Voter Tools & Election Hub

Absentee Voting – Votes cast by individuals not attending official polling sites

Ensure you meet one of the requirements 

  • Any person who will be unavoidably absent from their voting place on the date of election.
  • Any members of the Uniformed Services, merchant marines and family members such as spouses or dependents away from polling locations due to active duty status.
  • Any U.S. citizen who is temporarily or living outside of territorial limits of the United States such as vacationing or residency abroad.
  • Unable to attend the polls on Election Day because of illness or physical disability.

Download, fill-out, and return the absentee form

  • Download and print the application form and instructions appropriate for your circumstances.
  • If you wish to vote absentee because of the current health crisis, check ‘Unavoidably Absent’ when filling out the form.
  • Return the application form as indicated in the instructions.
 Absentee Application
 Military and Overseas Citizen Absentee Application & Instructions

Deadline for Submission of Application:

  • In Person: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election.
  • By Designated Bearer or Administrator: by close of business the Friday BEFORE the election.
    • (Designated Bearer is anyone you choose to pick up and/or deliver your application or ballot).
  • By Mail or by Electronic Means: by 7 days before the election.
  • By Authorized Agent: by 1:30 p.m. ON election day.
    • The authorized agent must file with the County Clerk an affidavit from the administrative head of a hospital or nursing home located in this state verifying that the applicant is a patient of the hospital or long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state and is thereby unable to vote on the election day at his or her regular polling site.
Your Application will be good for one calendar year:
  • For persons who reside outside the county in which they are registered to vote
  • For persons of long-term care or residential facilities licensed by the state
  • For persons who are disabled voters as defined in ACA 7-5-311(d)
Your Application will be good for one election cycle (any one (1) election and the corresponding run-off election):
  • For persons who reside within the county in which they are registered to vote.